Blueberry Mojitos

IMG_5728A few weeks ago, Rob and I planted a little indoor herb garden with cilantro, basil and mint so that we could have fresh ingredients on hand for some dinner recipes. The cilantro and basil are steadily growing from the seeds, but we cheated and bought a full-grown mint plant. Since it was ready to go, we put it to good use and made some blueberry mojitos last weekend. They were simple, flavorful and refreshingβ€”perfect for a hot, summer day!


Blueberry Mojitos

Ingredients (Yields 1 drink)

  • juice of 1/2 lime
  • 4 mint leaves
  • 8 blueberries
  • 1 tsp. simple syrup
  • 2 oz. rum
  • 2 oz. club soda
  • ice

How to:

  1. Squeeze the lime juice into a glass, then add simple syrup, mint and blueberries. Muddle until mint leaves are bruised and blueberries are a slightly crushed.
  2. Pour in the rum and fill with ice cubes. Top with club soda and then stir. Garnish with extra mint and blueberries.