Fini Flight Photos at Duke Field

Many people think of Destin, Florida as being filled with tourists and the businesses that cater to them. However, with three military bases nearby (Hurlburt Field, Duke Field and Eglin Air Force Base), there are many Air Force families and we are one of them! We moved here in 2017 for my husband’s assignment and feel so grateful to still call it home! He is now with a reserve unit and also flies for a commercial airline, so our plan is to stay here for the foreseeable future since we are flexible with where we can live. With such a great community of people and the beautiful beaches, it would take a lot for us to leave this little slice of paradise.

One of the hardest parts of military life is saying goodbye to friends. When you move around a lot and live far away from family, your friends become even more important and are such a special part of your life. I was so sad when it was time for my friend, Katrina, to move. We met through our husbands when we were both pregnant and had almost the exact same due date. Two years later (when we were both pregnant again at the same time!), I had the opportunity to capture her husband’s “fini flight.” If you aren’t familiar with this term, it’s basically the pilot’s last flight in that aircraft or before moving for another assignment. Family, friends and coworkers meet them on the runway and it is tradition to douse the pilot in water or a bottle of champagne. I’m so honored she trusted me to capture this special moment for her family. This is also the plane my husband flies, so it was cool to see it up close!Β